Artificial Nexus Devlog - March 2025

The progress on Artificial Nexus across the month of February is a bit of a mixture of good and bad news. Sorry, folks, that’s just the way that it is at times - but if you keep reading on, you’ll see that it’s more good than bad news!  

We’ll start with the bad news, so that you can have the good news for dessert. I mentioned in last month’s devlog post that the voice acting was coming along nicely. Unfortunately, one of the voice actors has gotten sick, which has caused a delay in recording their lines. There’s not much that can be done about this, naturally, so all that can be done is waiting for them to get better and then to get around to recording when they can. It’s caused a delay, but hopefully one that won’t be too large in the grand scheme of things.  

On to the good news! The following is some of what was done over February:  

  • The big news, if you haven’t seen it yet: the demo for Artificial Nexus has been updated! The most notable difference is updating the backgrounds to a new style, but there are a tonne of other quality of life changes too - you can press Enter to submit an input, clear notes, name your save games, and many more things! Check out our update post for more details, and check out the demo if you haven’t already!
  • Some content has been updated in accordance with the new artwork, giving more items to examine and corresponding text.
  • Fixed a major bug that affected loading a saved game after a certain point in the game.
  • Updated an unlockable to use a different method involving a mini-game, as the existing method was fairly unintuitive.
  • Added in new secrets to the game (yes, I realise this doesn’t tell you much)
  • Multiple small script updates
  • Multiple bugfixes

This might not sound like much, but the real takeaway from all of this is that the game is nearly complete - once the voice acting has been added in, the only remaining tasks are to do another round of playtesting, fix any issues discovered then, and then release the game! At this stage, it’s safe to say that the game will likely be released in April, or May at latest. A more definitive release date will be announced once things are a bit more concrete.  

Until then, if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out on Discord or our socials - I’m always happy to chat and help however I can!  

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